At Helpringham Primary School, our curriculum intent is to develop our sense of ourselves, others and the world.
Within Science we encourage children to develop their sense of self by encouraging their natural curiosity of the world around them and harnessing this into a passion for science. The children are encouraged to be excited about science while learning about the process, methods and uses of the subject. Children are empowered to build up a scientific vocabulary and understand the power of rational debate.
Children develop their sense of others by working collaboratively understanding that in science all ideas are valid and worthy of exploration. The children are encouraged to engage in debates challenging each other's ideas and views in a respectful way. They take part in experiments understanding that all roles are important.
In science we develop our sense and understanding of the world by gaining knowledge of historical scientific inventions and discoveries understanding how science has changed our world and its vital role in the world's future.
We ensure that high quality teaching drives high quality learning through regular assessment for learning which ensures no child is left behind.
We encourage our pupils to be curious about natural phenomena and to be excited by the process of understanding the world around them. Key scientific terminology is introduced each lesson and knowledge is built upon throughout the school.
Pupils are encouraged to work scientifically and carry out simple tests and experiments using equipment and to gather and record data. Whilst at our school, children learn about plants, animals, materials, living things and their habitats and seasonal change.
Our curriculum vision document below demonstrates how Science links to our whole school vision, supporting our children to develop their sense of themselves, others and the world.
Click the link to find further information on the National Curriculum Science Programmes of Study for Science: