Design and Technology
At Helpringham Primary School, our curriculum intent is to develop our sense of ourselves, others and the world.
Within Design and Technology we enable the children to develop their sense of self by becoming passionate about designing and making. The children are encouraged to be self-motivated to develop their creativity through ‘doing’ and experimenting, understanding how to problem solve and not being afraid of making mistakes. We support them to understand that Design and Technology enables them to draw on their maths, science, computing and art skills.
In order to develop our sense of others within Design and Technology we teach the children to be self-motivated and confident learners, who work collaboratively as part of a team. We provide them with the skills and knowledge they need to effectively challenge their own and other’s opinions and evaluations of their designs and creations.
Design and Technology helps our children to develop their sense of the world around them by recognising how key individuals and events in Design and Technology have shaped the world today. We provide children with opportunities to develop creative, technical and practical skills needed to carry out daily tasks confidently in a technological world.
We ensure that high quality teaching drives high quality learning through regular assessment for learning which ensures no child is left behind.
Our Design and Technology lessons encourage the designing and making of products to solve real and relevant problems. Our pupils learn to select from and use a wide range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their characteristics.
Our curriculum vision document below demonstrates how Design and Technology links to our whole school vision, supporting our children to develop their sense of themselves, others and the world.
Click on the link for further information on the National Curriculum Programme of Study for Design and Technology: