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At Helpringham Primary School, our curriculum intent is to develop our sense of ourselves, others and the world.

Within Art and Design we enable the children to develop their sense of self by becoming passionate about different types of art work. The children are encouraged to be self-motivated to develop their understanding of different types of art. We support them to understand that art can have a positive impact on their mental health and how to use art to express themselves.

In order to develop our sense of others within Art we teach the children to work collaboratively with others to create pieces of art and share their passion for art with each other. We provide children with opportunities to  celebrate the similarities and differences between different styles of art and challenge their own and others’ opinions of art respectfully.

Art helps our children to develop their sense of the world by providing opportunities to explore the work of artists from all around the world. Art enables our children to demonstrate their understanding of art and compare art works from our country to works of art from around the world.

We ensure that high quality teaching drives high quality learning through regular assessment for learning which ensures no child is left behind.

Our curriculum vision for art (see below) identifies how art fits into our curriculum intent of supporting our children to develop thier sense of themselves, others and the world.